
Neurodiversity is a celebration of the diverse ways our brains work, recognising that every individual has a unique cognitive makeup. It is an umbrella term, describing the ways that people view themselves, and how they interact with the world. Conditions within neurodiversity include autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, and other neurodevelopmental disorders, which impact individuals in many different ways. Unfortunately, studies have shown an elevated risk of anxiety and depression as being prevalent in those with neurodiversity, potentially due to problems with communication, societal misunderstandings, and identity issues.

Our psychologists offer a neurodiversity service in Wimbledon and Guildford, designed to empower and support neurodivergent individuals on their journey to self-discovery and wellbeing. Whether you are neurodivergent yourself, or supporting someone through the obstacles that come with having a diagnosis, we help adults and young people to understand how their brain is wired, and develop strategies to help you to enhance your strengths.

Some of the common areas that neurodivergent people might wish to seek support for include:

·       Emotional regulation

·       Enhancing communication skills

·       Anxiety and stress reduction

·       Organisation and executive functioning

·       Self-understanding and identity

·       Life transitions

·       Relationships and family dynamics support.

Neurodiversity Counselling Guildford & Wimbledon

Our compassionate neurodiversity counselling services in Guildford & Wimbledon provide a safe and affirming space for you to explore your unique strengths and challenges. Drawing from a range of evidence-based approaches, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), we can help you to embrace your neurodivergent identity, manage anxiety and stress, and develop coping strategies tailored to your needs.

Free 20 Minute Initial Consultations

If you're seeking a supportive and understanding environment to navigate the complexities of being neurodivergent, our team of therapists are here for you.

We offer a free 20-minute initial consultation to discuss your goals and determine the best path forward. Our online counselling sessions provide flexibility and convenience, allowing you to access therapy from the comfort of your own space. Contact us today or book your free, no-obligation initial session online on our site, to start your journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and a more fulfilling life.